Babies, strawberries, laundry, asparagus…

How do you sum up the whole summer in one post? I’ve had so much fun these last few months, getting to spend time with my nephew and nieces, seeing and living the farm life of Gretchen and her family. Watching the joys and trials of motherhood up close makes me appreciate moms so much more.
My nephew has completely captured my heart. Little boys are so much different than girls. As my brother Will explained, little girls are cute in their pigtails and dresses and just being little girls; but boys are little men (albeit bald and toothless!)  in the way they dress and act. Is one cuter than the other? No way! I love Ruth Ann, Mary Kate, and Daniel in such different ways. Ruth constantly cracks me up by her grown-up conversation and wisdom about life. Mary’s big eyes and mischievous grin are way too cute. Daniel’s smile is THE most adorable thing ever, and I love it when he falls asleep in my arms.

I loved getting to experience a clothesline all summer long. My family doesn’t have one, but I discovered that hanging laundry is the most relaxing household chore ever.
Fourth of July toenails…yes, my foot is the one with the crooked toe. πŸ™‚
My cousin Abbie and I got to “help” bale hay! All the controls for round baling can be somewhat confusing, but Mason was a good instructor. I did three whole bales! πŸ™‚
Awww…I’m missing my girls….

Abbie and I were partners in strawberry picking and weeding asparagus. Let me tell you, we got to be experts at both! Weeding asparagus is an art, because you have to be careful not to pull or break any of the plants. Picking strawberries is also an art, because you have to eat all the bad ones. And that takes real talent.
I’ve now been home for two weeks, spent with my amazing brother and sweet sister-in-law. After catching up on rest and quiet time, I feel like going back up to Gretchen’s. But school and music will soon be back in full swing. So for now I’ll try to console myself somehow, because I certainly miss those daily snuggles with Daniel. And I’ll pray for Gretchen, and all mothers, with much more appreciation than I had before. Although kids are a lot of work, they are truly a blessing!

7 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Sereina
    Aug 18, 2011 @ 21:01:07

    Sounds like such a marvelous summer!


  2. Gretchen
    Aug 19, 2011 @ 00:14:36

    Awww…this makes me want to cry. Love how you described my kids, my clothesline, and motherhood… HUGS


  3. Samantha R.
    Aug 19, 2011 @ 18:48:31

    This is a beautiful post with beautiful words and beautiful photos! :)You had a wonderful, amazing summer: I can tell!Round bales are so cool. I think they should do the hay like that here in CA.LOL about strawberry picking πŸ˜‰ and asparagus IS hard to weed! Thank you for sharing your beautiful summer memories with us.


  4. Krissy
    Aug 19, 2011 @ 23:02:20

    Sounds like you had an amazing summer! You nieces and nephew are ADORABLE! Good job on the hay bales, weeding, and strawberry picking (:P)!-Sonia


  5. Chantel
    Aug 21, 2011 @ 01:00:06

    There is nothing like clotheslines. I miss having one incredibly much1 And? From a sideline perspective, and knowing all that she does for YLCF and for her friends, your sis is an amazing woman. I admire her, and how she is raising those little people!


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